Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Ang Pera na Hindi Bitin" by Eduardo O. Roberto, Jr.

My Typical Weekend- REST but this time I decided to check my book shelf and glanced on this book with a very catchy Tagalog title.

I think I bought this 3 years ago for only PHP50. This 100-page book upholds one of its purpose which is to learn the basic principles of money for a lesser price. 

Basic with a twist! with a similar concept to Bo Sanchez's "8 Secrets of the Truly Rich" which was a gift from my Aunt Bobette but what I love about this book is the collaboration of its main thought and some bible verses which totally made sense, easy to follow and engaging. It makes me want to read the bible at the same time. In here, you'll come to realize that God wants us to manage our money and wealth wisely because how can HE entrusts us with HIS vast treasures in heaven if  here on earth we can't even manage our expenses. I was also moved (and even decided to do this) on the discussion about tithing wherein it is indeed a matter of testing our faith if we truly believe in HIS promise. My mom shared about this once that I might want to give at least 10% of my income because in a way GOD's blessings poured out bountifully to them more than what they asked for. These are just some topics discussed in this book but there's really more to it that may apply to everyone.

Sharing this 7 steps by Eduardo Roberto on "Para di Mabitin ang Pera".

2. Give
3. Get out of debt and stop borrowing
4. Live Simply
5. Magsipag, mag-negosyo
6. Invest
7. Educate yourself

I may start by opening a savings account next month (promise, this time I'd really do it!), offer at least PHP100 per week during mass offertory and visit an AVON branch to start selling their products (not just buying it). These are 3 simple steps that I could have done before well I'd better do it before its too late. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

2-Day Bantayan Decade Strong Celebration 2013

Where else did we spend our "decadessary" but in this charming island called Bantayan. As there official website stated (, this word came from an expression  BANTAYAN! BANTAYAN!, meaning, "KEEP WATCH! KEEP WATCH! which was used by watchtowers who served as look-outs for the incoming moro pirate vessels during the time of Governor Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera ( 1635 - 1644). 

Decadessary, just my coined term for decade anniversary. Yes, Me and my cuddly Chuckie (whom I'm fond of calling Dady) recently celebrated our 10- year anniversary last March 18, 2013. Who would have thought that a city boy would end up to a simple "probinsiyana" like me. A typical "opposite attracts" beginnings that ended up appreciating their differences, even trying out things that he loves that I barely took an interest before (likewise with Dady) such as playing online games e.g. WOW (until dawn), reading fiction and mythology books, watching Marvel and Disney movies (he can memorize some of its lyrics too!), reading "mangas", watching anime series. I can go on forever sharing those moments and experiences that we shared together because I can surely remember them all except its specific date and time, Dady is good with that though. 

Going back to Bantayan, our main plan is to simply rest and spend our time mostly on the beach, a complete opposite to what we did in Palawan back in November 2011 wherein we visited several tourist spots. Bantayan is a more laid back place that you just want to sit in a hammock, facing the beach while listening to your fave song, eat a sumptuous seafood at a very affordable price, get awed by vast stars and constellations at night, feel its fine sand and enjoy its pristine waters all by yourself!         

Here's our 2-day itinerary.

Day 1: March 16, 2013

07:00 am: Left North Bus Terminal going to Hagnaya on board Ceres aircon bus
10:00 am: Arrived at Hagnaya Port 
10:30 am: Departed for Sante Fe Port
11:30 am: Arrived at Sante Fe Port
11:45 am: Arrived at Sugar Beach Resort
12:00 pm: Lunch (Fulfilled our seafood cravings)
01:00 pm: Spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the resort
05:30 pm: Sunset viewing
06:00 pm: Dinner (Seafoods again..hehehe)
07:00 pm: Star gazing

Day 2: March 17, 2013

04:00 am: Searched for a bakeshop to no avail and ended up eating our    "baon" instead.
05:00 am: Enjoyed the beach while waiting for the sun to rise
05:30 am: Sunrise!
06:00 am: Breakfast 
08:00 am: Spent the entire morning at Ogtong Beach Resort
11:00 am: Lunch
12:30 pm: Departed from Sante Fe Port
01:30 pm: Arrived at Hagnaya Port
02:00 pm: Departed for Cebu City
05:15 pm: Arrived at Parkmall


Taxi (total): 200
Ceres aircon bus fare: PHP150 per person/way
Super Shuttle Ferry Fare: PHP170 per person/way
Tricycle (total): PHP150
Sugar Beach Resort Deluxe Room accomodation: PHP1600 per night
Food and Water : PHP1250 
Ogtong Cave Entrance Fee: PHP100 per person

**Obviously, we intended to splurge more on our food! It's definitely worth it.

We found our way to SM and decided to eat in Golden Cowrie (this time we ate Crispy Pata!) then watched Dady's much awaited movie in IMAX- Oz the Great and Powerful. 

The next day, March 18 which falls on a Monday we dedicated this day to thank our Blessed Santo Nino for all the blessings that we received. We went to the church, lit a candle and offered our prayers.

This weekend getaway may sound a bit pricey but hey March 18, 2013 and a 10-year anniversary only happens once, why not make the most out of it.

Sharing some of our pictures in Bantayan

Pristine waters of Bantayan

Waiting for the Sunset

"Ginataang" crabs for only PHP250 per kilo (plus PHP70 cooking fee)

Captivating Sunrise

Map of Bantayan Island

Ogong Cave

Pool view at Santa Fe Beach Club Ogtong Cave