Saturday, March 23, 2013

"Ang Pera na Hindi Bitin" by Eduardo O. Roberto, Jr.

My Typical Weekend- REST but this time I decided to check my book shelf and glanced on this book with a very catchy Tagalog title.

I think I bought this 3 years ago for only PHP50. This 100-page book upholds one of its purpose which is to learn the basic principles of money for a lesser price. 

Basic with a twist! with a similar concept to Bo Sanchez's "8 Secrets of the Truly Rich" which was a gift from my Aunt Bobette but what I love about this book is the collaboration of its main thought and some bible verses which totally made sense, easy to follow and engaging. It makes me want to read the bible at the same time. In here, you'll come to realize that God wants us to manage our money and wealth wisely because how can HE entrusts us with HIS vast treasures in heaven if  here on earth we can't even manage our expenses. I was also moved (and even decided to do this) on the discussion about tithing wherein it is indeed a matter of testing our faith if we truly believe in HIS promise. My mom shared about this once that I might want to give at least 10% of my income because in a way GOD's blessings poured out bountifully to them more than what they asked for. These are just some topics discussed in this book but there's really more to it that may apply to everyone.

Sharing this 7 steps by Eduardo Roberto on "Para di Mabitin ang Pera".

2. Give
3. Get out of debt and stop borrowing
4. Live Simply
5. Magsipag, mag-negosyo
6. Invest
7. Educate yourself

I may start by opening a savings account next month (promise, this time I'd really do it!), offer at least PHP100 per week during mass offertory and visit an AVON branch to start selling their products (not just buying it). These are 3 simple steps that I could have done before well I'd better do it before its too late. 

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