Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Celebration of New Beginnings!

The long wait is finally over! My brother did it!

It tormented us for almost 4 days but I was confident that God would bless my brother and give him his desire to pass this examination. He really held to his faith up to the last minute when he took it. Novenas, prayed to the Holy Rosary, accomplished the "Bisita Iglesia" you name it and he did it.

July 26, 2 days before my Dady's birthday at around 9pm that's when my brother received a text message from someone who's not really close to him congratulating him for passing the boards. Well at first we thought that we really need to see it first for ourselves before even rejoicing and true to his words as I searched for my brother's name in, it's no longer just his facebook page where you can view his name but it's already reflected on, philstar and other major newspaper in the country. It was just right there 320. Egar, Gephrim Klive Alpas. Yay! it was such a surreal moment. Thank you Lord for this wonderful blessing!

Bonus: Last July 28, my ponggingging, wobot, Dady Pong, Dady, my dady just turned 27 years old. Time flies really fast but I loved every minute of it, spent together with this one of a kind man. Good thing he loved his gift, Rick Riordan's Chronicles of Kane but too bad I was not able to avail its Book 2.

Note: Notice the decorations placed on the wall? I'm proud to say that those were my creations, my first-try of making a paper crane (I have 43 cranes, 957 more to go for my wish..hehehe) "snow flakes" and letter cut outs!

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