Saturday, December 6, 2008

Post from Heaven

Came from Pangit..
See you when I'll get there.
His first and last comment posted on my friendster..
Yup, I missed him a lot.

02/24/2005 12:47 am hi,1st... i dnt think nga u will put this one on ur testi. will nag away daw mi ani.. or we just say nag samaan ng loob hehe.... c keen... wala man ko ka ila siguro gyod sa iya.. sa akong life she WAS (kay b4 lng siguro) my sister, a younger sis. in which nga kabarkada.... kaberks.... kapuso??? warag GMA.. ug kapamilya ra siguro ang sure... i dnt knw pro ma miss lang nako iya family maayo man gud sila... si bboy, si quenie nga tambok nga kulit pud nga baby... iya mama ug papa... iya nanay sa bugo.. iya ante sa manila nga abi nya na lain ko adtong last time nag kita mi hehe.. pero wala rato... and tanan... dila man gud kaayo mi ga kita kaayo.. 1 thng y nga proud kaayo ko ani nya s very very intlgent and a perfect girl.. and happy ko sa iya atleast we move on... God bless kay mommyand daddy... hehehe (",)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


10 MILF rebels killed, 13 others wounded, in Bukidnon, Lanao del Sur gunbattle

CAMP EDILBERTO EVANGELISTA, Cagayan de Oro City, Nov. 11

At least ten rogue Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels were reported killed while 13 others were believed critically wounded when joint forces of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) bombarded the position of the Lawless MILF group (LMG) for six hours in “specified target” in the provincial boundary of Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur on Monday, a top AFP official reported on Tuesday.

In a report to AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Alexander Yano and Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMincom) chief Maj. Gen. Armando Cunanan, Maj. Gen. Ricardo A. David, Jr., area command chief of the Army’s Northern and Northeastern Mindanao Fourth Infantry (Diamond) Division, said combat maneuvering battalions of the 29th Infantry Battallion and 43rd Division Reconnaissance Company are still pursuing the running rebels in the border of Bumbaran and Wa-o, both of Lanao del Sur and Kalilangan, Bukidnon.

However, operating troops cannot still determine if the encountered 200 rogue MILF rebels were under the command of wanted Abdulrahman Macaapar, alias “Commander Bravo”.

General David said the clash on Monday “was very intense.”

The AFP’s area command chief on Tuesday sent more combat troops to beef up the forces in the area.

Latest report coming from the field said the fierce fire fight occurred in Sitio Unit 3, Park Area, Wa-o, Lanao del Sur.

AFP “Task Force Peacemaker” is already in the area to beef up the forces of 29th IB and 43rd DRC, also said Maj. Mitchele B. Anayron, Jr., regional Army spokesman.

“Combat troops near the enemy (MILF) line is currently supported by artillery battalion of the 4th Division in delivering artillery fires to the enemy position in Unit 3 area,” said Maj. Anayron.

The heavy fighting took place after suspected LMGs bombed power lines tower of TransCo in Maramag, Bukidnon last week. (PNA)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


According to Wikipedia, HATRED or hate is a word that describes intense feelings of dislike. It can be used in a wide variety of contexts, from hatred of inanimate objects to hatred of other people.

Maybe I'm more into the later definition.

Ever since the world began (hehe..can't think of other phrase to start with) I can remember at least 3 people whom I hated most.Though the other 2 were completely erased from my system and we just went on with our lives but I haven't spoke personally with the 2nd person but I guess were OK...I'm not the one whom she confronted infront of my co interns, my boyfriend, in a sense I just felt his pain, anger and the feeling of rejection.

Both of us were not really used in confrontation that will cause another problem or shall we say USELESS..I don't wanna go into details its still fresh. As a song line goes, "YOUR FORIGIVEN NOT FORGOTTEN"..

Now the feelings coming back but these time its going beyond my limits. I don't know what's the ending but never will I step down to his level.NEVER.

May God Bless him.


Sunday, September 7, 2008


You entered: Chuckie De Leon

There are 13 letters in your name.
Those 13 letters total to 61
There are 6 vowels and 7 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 7

The characteristics of #7 are: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.

The expression or destiny for #7:
Thought, analysis, introspection, and seclusiveness are all characteristics of the expression number 7. The hallmark of the number 7 is a good mind, and especially good at searching out and finding the truth. You are so very capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding. You are the type of person that can really get involved in a search for wisdom or hidden truths, often becoming an authority on whatever it is your are focusing on. This can easily be of a technical or scientific nature, or it may be religious or occult, it matters very little, you pursue knowledge with the same sort of vigor. You can make a very fine teacher, or because of a natural inclination toward the spiritual, you may become deeply emerged in religious affairs or even psychic explorations. You tend to operate on a rather different wavelength, and many of your friends may not really know you very well. The positive aspects of the 7 expression are that you can be a true perfectionist in a very positive sense of the word. You are very logical, and usually employ a quite rational approach to most things you do. You can be so rational at times that you almost seem to lack emotion, and when you are faced with an emotional situation, you may have a bit of a problem coping with it. You have excellent capabilities to study and learn really deep and difficult subjects, and to search for hidden fundamentals. At full maturity you are likely to be a very peaceful and poised individual.

If there is an over supply of the number 7 in your makeup, the negative aspects of the number may be apparent. The chief negative of 7 relates to the limited degree of trust that you may have in people. A tendency to be highly introverted can make you a bit on the self-centered side, certainly very much self-contained . Because of this, you are not very adaptable, and you may tend to be overly critical and intolerant. You really like to work alone, at your own pace and in your own way. You neither show or understand emotions very well.

Your Soul Urge number is: 6

A Soul Urge number of 6 means:
With a number 6 Soul Urge, you would like to be appreciated for your ability to handle responsibility. Your home and family are likely to be a strong focus for you, perhaps the strongest focus of your life. Friendship, love, and affection are high on your list of priorities for a happy life. You have a lot of diplomatic tendencies in your makeup, as you a able to rectify and balance situations with an innate skill. You like working with people rather than by yourself. It is extremely important for you to have harmony in your environment at all times.

The positive side of the 6 Soul Urge produces a huge capacity for responsibility; you are always there and ready to assume more than your share of the load. If you possess positive 6 Soul Urges and express them, you are known for your generosity, understanding and deep sympathetic attitude. Strong 6 energy is very giving of love, affection, and emotional support. You may have the inclination to teach or serve your community in other idealistic ways. You have natural abilities to help people. You are also likely to have artistic and creative leanings.

If you have an over-supply of 6 energy in your makeup, you may express some of the negative traits common to this number. With such a strong sympathetic attitude, it is easy to become too emotional. Sometimes the desires to render help can be over done, and it can become interfering and an attitude that is too protective, rather than helpful. The person with too much 6 energy often finds that people tend to take advantage of this very giving spirit. You may tend to repress your own needs so that you can cater to the demands from others. At times, there may be a tendency in this, for becoming over-loaded with such demands, and as a result become resentful.

Your Inner Dream number is: 1

An Inner Dream number of 1 means:
You dream of being a leader and one who is in charge. You want to be known for your courage, daring, and original ideas. You seek unconquered heights. People may get a first impression that you are very aggressive and sure of yourself.

geasreen kairylle egar

There are 20 letters in your name.
Those 20 letters total to 99
There are 9 vowels and 11 consonants in your name.

Your number is: 9

The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression.

The expression or destiny for #9:
The expression that you exhibit is represented bythe number 9. Your talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. You like to help others as you were intended to be the 'big brother or big sister' type. You operate best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion, and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others. You work well with people, and have the potential to inspire. This suggests that you could successfully teach or counsel. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent (often latent) of the highest order are present in this expression. It's possible that you're not using or developing all of these capabilities at this time. Some of your talents may have been used at an earlier time in your life, and some may still be latent. Be aware of your capabilities, so that you can make use of them at appropriate times.

If you are able to achieve the potential of your natural expression in this life, you are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others. Your personal ambitions are likely to be maintained in a very positive perspective, never losing sight of an interest in people, and a sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded and compassionate point of view. You are quite idealistic, and disappointed at the lack of perfection in the world. You have a strong awareness of your own feeling as well as those of others. Friendships, affection, and love are extremely important.

Undeveloped or ignored, the negative side of the 9 expression can be very selfish and self-centered. If you do not actively involve yourself with work that benefits others, you may tend to express just the opposite characteristics. It is your role to be very involved with other people and their needs, but it may be difficult for you achieve this role. Aloofness, lack of involvement, and a lack of sensitivity mark the low road of this expression.

Your Soul Urge number is: 1

A Soul Urge number of 1 means:
Your Soul Urge is the number 1. With a Soul Urge number of 1, you want to lead and direct, to work independent of supervision, by yourself or with subordinates. You take pride in your abilities and want to be recognized for them. You may seek opportunities to display your strength and usefulness, wanting to create and originate. In your desire to manage the big picture and the main issues, you may often leave the details to others.

The positive 1 Soul Urge is Ambitious and determined, a leader seeking opportunities. There is a great deal of honesty and loyalty in this character. If you possess positive 1 Soul Urge qualities, you are very attainment oriented and driven to success. You are a loyal friend and strictly fair in your business dealings.

The negative side of the 1 Soul Urge must be avoided. A negative 1 is apt to dominate situations and people; the home, the spouse, the family and the business. Emotions aren't strong in this nature. If you possess an excess of 1 energy, you may, at times, be boastful and egotistic. You must avoid being too critical and impatient of trifles. The great need of the 1 Soul Urge is the development of friendliness, and a sincere interest in people.

Your Inner Dream number is: 8

An Inner Dream number of 8 means:
You dream of success in the business or political world, of power and control of large material endeavors. You crave authority and recognition of executive skills. Your secret self may have very strong desire to become an entrepreneur.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Five Years and Counting...

It started with a genuine friendship.. sa head band to be specific..Who would expect that when he borrowed my was already a start of something new.

We became friends later on classmates..And here's our NSTP held every weekends at Cebu City Zoo. Even though we came here to sweep and get rid of those weeds it became a sanctuary for us. Wherein we can talk everything under the sun or gloomy clouds from our childhood memories till current events even those topics that only us can understand. None of our classmates will bother. I've got no idea back then that this guy named Chuckie Boyboy back then (Chuckie de Leon naman sya run) was already falling in love with me but I already suspected since they would tease if they saw us together.Unfortunately I had a boyfriend during that time (Jeffren Maderse whose married now) and had conflicting feelings with another guy (Edison Osios who died of a motor accident last April 2006)..Intriguing  right? So I'm not thinking of another complication during that time. I'm just happy that I got someone whom I can burst out everything that I felt. As I expected Chuckie was the one I need during those troublesome life I got before. He's there to make me laugh and comfort when I'm in deep pain. Every minute with him was so light and easy. As if no one can penetrate the bond between us when were together. But before it was just a mere pure friendship for me but for him it was his life..(mao iya ingon 2ng uyab nami).There was a point wherein Jeff threatened me that he would kill me if I'll bother his relationship with another girl to think I got no plans to bother his life anymore. Thank God Chuckie was there during those days to protect me. Basta relief jud kaayo if ever I'm with him.

Then this Pure Friendship we got later on blossomed to something deeper and good thing he got the courage now to burst out his biggest secret and undying admiration to me. It was at the Zoo when he said "Murag nanguyab naman ko sa imo". Obviously he don't know how to say those words in a manly and sweetest way..hahay..then I just smiled..what would he expect I would accept his proposal right there and then? Huh, hayahaya sah! Though he courted girls before but it was just informal and he was not "serious" about it. He made a promise to his Mom that he will look for his Girlfriend by the age of 18 y.o...Unfortunately that didn't hapened..

Then the courtship began..drop calls was really uso during that time every time he got a chance to that be in the mall or on the street that never bothered him.Here comes those poems and songs daily..dili uso sa iya ang chocolates and flowers.Though we're not classmates ato nga time he always see to it nga masundo ko nya every after class and ma.witness jud nya if naa mi class activities like Drama presentation, monologues, etc..Basta murag part na sya sa amo section kay friends nya tanan ako classmates. As I always call him not a typical guy...and that made me want to know him more. Aside from the fact that he'd never been into relationships, that's really a plus! (D pareha nako his my soon to be 6th boyfriend ...hehe)

March 18, 2003...I just love number 18! It was normal day for me. After class I'm about to go home when I decided to drop by at the Ngohiongan just to grab a bite. Unexpectedly here comes the group of Chuckie nga nag pa photocopy and he saw me. Tuara niduol jud dayon ug iya kung gihatod sa dorm.Then we talked..talked till niabot sa point nga naghisgot nako about nahadlok sya coz he knew nga makita nasad nako akong mga ex and I sensed sa iya voice nga murag na sya pag.asa..Ug ako sad nga afraid mawala sya nako..kay in reality I also Love him nah..he's terribly special na for me..

I checked my pocket, searching if there's something I can pull up to express how I felt (I'm not a typical girl as well coz even with my past 5 boyfriends dili OO diritso ako i.answer) what I saw were 2 five peso coins..Then I gave it to him.. and he said "Naa pa man ko pamlite". Acting like innocent Huh! Then I said It's two circles ayt? So its OO..then I realized if you added 1+4+3+2 that would be equals to TEN!
And I'm going to share with you our Theme Song..

PASSENGER SEAT by Stephen Speaks

I look at her and have to smile
As we go driving for a while
Looking nowhere in the open window of my car
And as we go the traffic lights
Watch them glimmer in her eyes
In the darkness of the evening

And I've got all that I need
Right here in the passenger seat
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
Knowing that she's inches from me

We stop to get something to drink
My mind pounds and I can't think
Scared to death to say i love her
Then a moon peeks from the clouds
Hear my heart that beats so loud
Try to tell her simply

That I've got all the I need
Right here in the passenger seat
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
Knowing that she's inches from me

Oh and I've got all the I need
Right here in the passenger seat
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
Knowing that she's inches from me

Oh and I know this love grow

Oh I've got all the I need
Right here in the passenger seat
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
Knowing that she's inches from me

And I've got all that I need
Right here in the passenger seat
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
Knowing that she's inches from me

And I've got all that I need
Right here in the passenger seat
Oh and I can't keep my eyes on the road
Knowing that she's inches from me

And I've got all that I need
Right here in the passenger seat

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Day with my Auntie

I haven't seen my aunt for almost 2 years already. She's the younger sister of my mom. I really adore her and for sure she adored me too..hehe.

Since I was a toddler or maybe before I was born she's always there for me. Not to mention she's one of those people who offers everything as long as she can afford those abubots. I grew up in a rural area where you can hardly see a shopping mall, there's for you to travel for about 3 hours to reach city. You've got to give effort for you to buy the latest goods. I am blessed I got an Aunt like her. It's not hard for me to get those latest trend when it comes to clothing, shoes,movies, it and She'll give that to me. Mama once mentioned that she's quite partial with her other niece and nephews because if she returns home I would get a lot of pasalubong not even half of what my relatives will get from her..

But it's not all about pasalubong that she gave me. It's the untarnished and truthfull love she gave me. Wherein not even a single one in this world can match. Except sa ako Mama ug Bf syempre.She got this unique way of loving and caring you.Though she got a lot of tantrums but still she managed to be sweet and thoughtful in her own way.

I hope you can read this My Beloved Aunt...Every single moment is treasured and never be forgotten. Thank you..If only you know that your one of those people whom I looked up and one of the reason why GEASREEN KAIRYLLE EGAR grew up to be like this..Loving and thoughtful.